
'Stop Belt Day' Could Stop Ears

The Cambridge City Council has made Saturday, Oct. 15, "Stop the Inner Belt Day" -- and if Councillor Alfred E. Vellucci has his way, the whole City will know about it.

At the Council's meeting yesterday, Vellucci amended the motion to create the special day with a request to all of Cambridge's factories, fire stations, and churches that they collectively sound their whistles, sirens, and bells every 30 minutes during the day.

The expected din would "remind people that we have this Belt problem," Vellucci told the Council.

In addition to hearing the noise, the day will probably see a citizens' march to the steps of the Capitol in Boston. The march will bring a petition to Governor John A. Volpe calling for the proposed highway to be halted.

In a related development, the Council received word from Rex Whitton, U.S. Commissioner of Public Roads, that he would like to come to Cambridge to tour the proposed route and meet with local leaders, but his schedule was tight.
