
HSA to Scrap Flights to Coast During Vacation

The Harvard Student Agencies has dropped its Christmas charter flights to Los Angeles and San Francisco this year because there isn't enough demand for them.

Jeffrey G. Wright '68. manager of HSA Charter Flights, said yesterday that there is enough student demand to assure full capacity on only one chartered plane to Portland and Seattle.

The main problem HSA is facing this year is competition. The Crimson Travel Agency at 35 Boylston St., just set up last year, is offering slightly higher-priced, but much faster, excursion flights to the West Coast.

Because it is not a full-fledged travel agency, HSA Charter Flights cannot offer the same special flights the Crimson Agency can.

Wright said that a second difficulty this year is the Youth Fare Program, which offers flights at half-price on a stand-by basis. Although the program does not operate from December 15 to December 24. Wright speculated that some students will probably leave school early to take advantage of it.


HSA had given thought to chartering one propeller flight which would stop at both Los Angeles and San Francisco, Wright said, but no commercial airline has such a flight.
