
Draft Poll Results

More detailed results of the draft poll were ready last night. With the original questions, they are printed below:

1. Do you feel the Selective Service should require colleges and universities to compute rank-in-class as a basis for 2-S deferment? YES: 28 per cent; NO: 72.

2. If the university had not sent you your rank-in-class this summer, would you have requested it for draft purposes? YES: 46; NO 54.

3. Did you refuse to send your rank-in-class to your draft board as a matter of conscience? YES: 4.4; NO: 95.6.

4. Have you worried more about your grades because of the draft YES: 37.6 NO: 62.4


5. Are you satisfied with the present Selective Service System? YES: 18.9; NO: 81.1.

6. Assuming some college students will be drafted and some will be deferred, do you think a universal Selective Service examination should be the sole criteria for selection? YES: 10; NO: 90.

7. Do you think students should be given deferments because they are students? YES: 64.1; NO: 36.

8. Do you believe the manpower needs of the military should be met through a national lottery? YES: 20.7; NO: 79.3.

9. Do you support the principle of an alternative service (such as the Peace Corps or VISTA) satisfying your national obligation? YES: 84; NO: 16.

10. Do you believe the manpower needs of the military should be met through universal conscription with provision for non-military service YES: 49.6; NO: 50.4.

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