
War on Ground Continues in Vietnam Despite Peace Moves by United States


SAIGON, Jan. 3--The United States refrained from bombing North Vietnam for the 11th day yesterday as part of the effort to interest North Vietnam in peace talks.

Ground fighting continued as American paratroopers, units of New Zealanders, and South Vietnamese pursued Viet Cong forces through the mud of the Mekong Delta towards the Cambodian border.

Vice-President Humphrey, meanwhile, returned from his week-long trip to the Far East to promote support for American policy. He received no response to his 14-point "peace-basket" proposals from the Communists, Humphrey told newsmen.

Asst. Secretary of State G. Mennen Williams sped to Kenya after meeting with Emperor Haile Selassie in Ethiopia, and Ambassador W. Averell Harriman flew to Iran in other U.S. peace moves.

Radio Hanol attacked these moves, saying, "The campaign in quest of peace which Lyndon Johnson is conducting in the Texas manner can by no means hide its deceitful and hypocritical nature."


Committee Passes Mass. Tax

BOSTON, Jan. 3,--A Massachusetts Senate-House conference committee agreed tonight on a new tax bill of about $155 million and will report the measure to both houses Monday night.

The bill is almost identical to the program passed by the Senate several weeks ago. The House refused then to go along with the nearly $100 million in new taxes the bill would levy.

The bill would eliminate $51 million in deductions now allowed on federal and state income taxes and increase income tax rates for $47 million additional revenue.

The cigarette, liquor, telephone service, and hotel and motel room taxes would also be increased. Taxes on in comes less than $3000 a year, however, would be eliminated.
