Only 13 Freshmen out of 217 polled -- a gastronomically low figure of 6 per cent -- are pleased enough by Harvard cooking to give unqualified assent to the question, "Are you satisfied with the Harvard Union?"
The question was asked and the answers recorded in the January issue of the Yardling.
Thirty-three per cent of the pollees voted qualified approval, and a solid majority--61 per cent -- voted a no holds-barred "no."
An unappetizing picture of a lump of pasta entitled. "A Typical main dish for lunch," represented the article's most convincing complaint.
Other comments ranged from a simple, "The pancakes are like lead," to a plea for a little of both dshes if there were two choices.
The article also contained a defense of of Union food y Graham C. Hurlbut, director of the Harvard Food Service. He told the Yardling that, "We serve nothing but superior quality food, probably better than home cooking." He added that a reorganization of the Union two years ago had produced, "an aesthetic and efficient system."
Hurlburt said in a recent interview that he is always willing to listen to student complaints, but that nothing can be done to improve the food unless he receives specific, constructive suggestions. "If someone just comes in and says the food is lousy, we can't do anything about it," he said
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