
San Francisco Hires Bogner As Zone Aide

Walter F. Bogner, professor of Architecture, is assisting the city of San Francisco in its planning for urban redevelopment. Bogner is design consultant for the San Francisco planning commission's Iowntown zoning study.

Zoning regulations set limits on the size and shape of buildings that can be put up in particular areas, thus controlling the visual form of the city as a whole. Since zoning is usually considered more an administrative than an artistic problem, Bogner said. These regulations are usually set by planners and not architects.

In San Francisco, however, zoning regulations are particularly important in determining the overall appearance of the city. Bogner was hired to help the city take best advantage of the Bay and the hills on which the city is built. Bogner said that he would be concerned with the "aesthetics and amenities of city planning."

The bulk of the recommendations of the zoning study will probably be made next June, Bogner said. If the city's Board of Supervisors approves these recommendations, they will be translated into legal terms and will become effective, Bogner has been working on the regulations since July
