
Cliffies Want More Library Time

A large majority of the Cliffies polled by the Radcliffe Government Association library committee have stated a preference for longer hours in the new Hilles Library next year.

Stacy Kucharski '68, chairman of the committee, reported the results of the poll, representing a 45 per cent response, at the RGA meeting yesterday and will present them to Ruth K. Porritt, librarian of Radcliffe, as recommendations. The poll revealed the following complaints:

* A majority of the girls were dissatisfied with the present 11 p.m. weekday closing time and asked that both library and circulation desk be open until midnight, the closing time of Lamont

* An even larger percentage disapproved of the Saturday closing hours of 4:20 p.m. and requested the weekday closing hours for Saturday too.

* Many girls were not satisfied with the Sunday 2 p.m. opening time, and some recommended a morning opening time even without the circulation desk open.


* Most Cliffies are content with the present times and system for checking out reserve books, but would like to return them later than 9 a.m.
