
of Realism

Kissinger, professor of last night chided his for applying to international

critics, he told 400 the Summer School's in Sanders champion an which, while it satisfying to their difficult to relate to before the policy.

makers, he charged, their only will and that they alternatives that understand and that about after they high office."

of government to be meaningful, he show some difficulties that they official cables pour Department at a rate Kissinger said that must concentrate effort on crises which solution.

to "the utopianism in purely academic foreign policy," must consider a time when it is if they are right."

have ideas on the he declared. that one has the on this subject is to of the debate." "frustration and debate to the to look for pat of policy. "Very efforts are basis that they will peace," he said. reflects "a which is gone .

of foreign affairs of some tension" and said. But he sides of the debate to show "some to "end the that has been of some of the .
