
Bailyn Given Harvard Press Prize For Books of Early U.S. Pamphlets

Bernard Bailyn, professor of History, as won the Faculty Prize of the Harvard University Press for the first volume of is Pamphlets of the American Revolution.

Honorable mentions were awarded to -Baxter, Professor of Law, for his the Law of International Waterways, and David Owen, Gurney Professor of History and Political Science, for English Philanthropy 1660-1960.

The Prize Worth 82000, is awarded an annually for the most distinguished book a Harvard scholar published by the Harvard Press.

Bailyn won the prize for his book-length Production to the first of a four-volume pries of polemical pamphlets published in America during the third quarter of the eighteenth century.

Bailyn concluded that the American Revolution was "above all else an ideological-constitutional struggle and not primarily a controversy between social groups undertaken to force changes in the organization of society"


Bailyn demonstrates that the Pamphleteers' moral and social views derived from the Enlightenment in Europe and in particular from a group of radical early 18th-Century English publicists.

Last year's Faculty prize was awarded to Walter Jackson Bate '90' Abbott Lawrence Lowell Professor of Humanities, for his Pulitzer Prize winning biography. "John Keats."
