
MDC Grabs Liquor Flowing on Charles

The Metropolitan District Commission interrupted springtime on the Charles Saturday afternoon for a little beverage inspection. In many cases, they did not like what they found.

Acting under an MDC regulation that forbids drinking in public recreational areas, the officers confiscated any liquid refreshments stronger than beer.

"Even if you were drinking boer," said one indignant maiden yesterday, "they told you to stop. They've never done that before!"

But they have, according to Patrolman Francis P. Feeney of the MDC's Upper Charles River Division. "The law's been on the books for 40 or 50 years," Feeney said yesterday, "and we have been enforcing it right along."

Feeney admitted that some other MDC prohibitions hadn't been so rigidly enforced. There are also regulations against using abusive language, playing musical instruments, sollciting alms, and praying out loud.
