
WHRB to Get New Quarters In Mem Hall

Newman Says Station Has Collected $61,000

WHRB radio will move into new 16-room quarters in the basement of Memorial Hall next year.

Andrew E. Newman '66, WHRB's president, said the college radio station's fund drive had gone over its $61,000 goal after being stalled for most of the year.

Last February, Newman charged that the University's unwillingness to help with construction of the new studios had WHRB's attempts to move out of its temporary headquarters in the basement of Claverly Hall.

Newman and other WHRB officials had contended that the University should help build new quarters for the radio station, since the expansion of Holyoke forced WHRB out of its old Dudley House facilities two years ago.

Newman would not comment yesterday whether the University had directly WHRB's construction program. He say the change over "couldn't have been done without the interest and help of University officials, especially Watson, Monro, and Trottenberg. "We owe a lot to these people," he added.

Newman said WHRB would move into new studios, directly below Sanders Theatre, by the time it began broadcasting next year, on Sept. 20.

New Drive

WHRB has already opened another drive, this one with a $19,000 goal, a new 3000-watt stereo transmitter to replace the present 880-watt power supply.

Newman also said that WHRB hoped to expand its AM broadcasting system, presently inaudible in several Houses, to six seven transmitters. The expansion would make WHRB heard as far away the Married Student Dormitories.

To celebrate its new opulence, WHRB expanded its board of directors from men to eight. The new members television producers David and Robert Saudel.
