
A Long, Hot Summa

Cabbages and Kings

Friday evening.

FRED: Hey George, got any action lined up for this weekend?

GEORGE: What's this weekend?

FRED: Spring Weekend--Gala Festivities, Boat Rides, Bacchanalia, and all that.

GEO.: Oh. I forgot.


FRED: Got any action lined up?

GEO.: No. Why, do you?

FRED: Nope. I was just wondering.

GEO.: Get me another cup of coffee, will you?

FRED: Sure (Gets coffee.) Hey, what're you doing?

GEO.: I'm reciting a poem I learned in high school.

FRED: Are you off your marbles?

GEO.: Thanks for the coffee. Bad as usual.

FRED: I know. (Silence.) But do you remember Jubilee Weekend freshman year?

GEO.: What do you mean, "but"? I had an hour exam the Monday after Jubilee Weekend.
