
McDonald to Administer $12.5 Million Ford Gift

President Pusey has appointed Wallace McDonald '43, director of the College's Financial Aid Office, to administer Harvard's program for research in International affairs. McDonald will work under a $12,500,000 grant from the Ford Foundation.

Pusey also announced the names of five Faculty members who will serve with McDonald on the Committee on International Studies.

The Ford grant, the largest single sum ever received by Harvard, will be used to endow nine professorships, to construct a building for international affairs and to sponsor international research.

McDonald said yesterday that four of the nine chairs will be shared by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and the school of Public Administration. Another four professors will be appointed to the Law School. The one remaining chair has already been filled by Charles Curle, professor of Education and Development and director of the Center for Studies in Education and Development.

According to McDonald, the plans next year to distribute grants for faculty research in Economics, Government and Social Relations, and to fellowships to graduate students in these departments. The Committee plans to supply funds for summer to undergraduates for seminars, and for visiting scholars.

The University Committee on International Studies, chaired by Pusey, will include Robert R. Bowie, Clarence Professor of International Affairs and director of the Center for International Affairs; Merie Fainsod, Leroy B. Williams Professor of History and Political Science; Franklin L. Ford, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences; Milton Heary L. Stimson Professor of Law and director of International Legal and Don K. Price Jr., dean of Faculty of Public Administration.
