
Hoffmann To Discuss Viet At D.C. Rally

Stanley H. Hoffmann, professor of government, will discuss the adminisiation's Vietnam policy Saturday as t of an all-day "teach-in" to be held Washington, D.C.

Three hours of the teach-in, the in which Hoffmann and McGeorge will appear, will be relayed to .T.'s Kresge auditorium by telephone look-up starting at 2 p.m.

The teach-in, which will consist of morning speeches and evening seminars well as the panel discussion, is being by the Inter-University for a Public Hearing on Vietnam. will be relayed to over 75 campuses cross the country and is an outgrowth the wave of teach-ins.

Though it was organized by a group of members at the University of chigan, a spokesman for that group d that each campus area is "running own show."

The session at Kresge is being by an M.I.T. faculty committee and Students for a Democratic and will begin at 11 a.m. with a the analysis of policy on the Dominican public.

The afternoon portion from Washington will also be broadcast over WGBH.

Schlesinger to Speak

In the morning portion at Washington, hur Schlesinger Jr. former professor History, will present the background the Vietnam situation from the administration's point of view. Hans of the University of Chicago, Isaac Deutzcher, a British authority Russian History, will criticize the , position in Vietnam and the Cold .

Bundy, Special Assistant to the for National Security, and George , director of the Southeast Asia at Cornell, will begin the afternoon period with thirty minute speeches. and discussion by panels for against the administration will .

Seminars on general aspects of the nation in Vietnam and U.S. foreign are scheduled for the evening.
