
Ailing Runners Should Topple Feeble Brown

What's left of the Crimson track team will casually dispose of Brown in providence this afternoon.

The feature attraction of the most will be the return to action of Chris Paradee, University record holder in the high jump Pardee, sidelined with an ankle injury since the indoor Heps in February, has cleared of 6 ft., 5 in. In practice third week, and if her can manage that today he's an easy winner.

Despite Paradee's return, the Crimson casualty list continues to grow. Art Cross dale reinjured his hand putting the shot against Princeton Saturday and will not compete in that event today.

Charles Njoku has decided to give his ailing knee a rest. A sore elbow will keep Bop Welch out of the Javelin competition.

Keith Chiappa, Tony Lynch, and Dave Allen all have colds, but will compete this afternoon. Lynch should win both hurdles anyway, but Allen will have a tough time in the two-mile against the Bruins' Bob Rothenbers and vic Boog, and Chiappa will face an uphill battle against Rich Baglow in the 880.


In the events where the Crimson is healthy, there will be few problems. Crossdale should be an easy winner in the hammer, and Wayne Anderson, on the strength of his great performance Saturday, looks like a cinch in the sprints.

Sum Robinson in the 440 and Jim smith in the mile should get most of their competition from teammates. John bakkensen, Bill , and John Micketts should sweep the discus for Harvard: and Aggrey A wori, Harvey Thomas, and Pardee--If he competes-may well do the same in the broad jump.
