
H.U.C. Wants House Choice By Computer

The Harvard Undergraduate Council called last night to approve tentatively report calling for the use of computers in House selections.

Last year the Masters turned down a report from a Faculty committee recommending House selection by computers. According to informed sources, however, President Pusey has made it clear to the Masters that the final decision on House selection issue will come from Corporation.

It is reported that the Corporation to reach a decision on a change in the selection system within the next few weeks.

The HUC's report, scheduled to be finally approved on Monday, is based on the results of a questionnaire distribution throughout the College last Thursday and Friday. Ninety-three per cent those polled wanted to allow fresh- to list preferences on House applications, but 87 per cent did not want to ire them to do so. Eighty-one per cent preferred that House assignments be handled by the Masters rather than the .

Taking these facts into consideration, the HUC report recommended the use of computers in making house selections though a complex "matching" system. the system, both the desired distion of particular student types and preferences of Masters and students be weighed.

system would have freshmen list choices of Houses, and Masters their choices of freshmen. From the two lists, the computer could quickly and accurately match the desires of students and Masters.

The HUC's computer program is more needed than one recommended last year . Faculty committee chaired by J. rsen Elder, dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. However, Masters rejected that report.
