To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
We were shocked and dismayed to learn of Professor Forbes' decision to allow the Glee Club Octet to sing on Alabama television without Mr. Epps last April 8. Quite clearly the only course of action in the situation described in the CRIMSON of April 20 was to cancel the television, appearance. Neither compromises nor apologies can replace the principled stand the situation required. Professor Forbes is far more responsible for the welfare and integrity of the Negro members of the Glee Club than he is for the speculative gains in Birmingham. We can only hope that such open affronts to the Negro students will not be repeated.
The incident does focus upon problems in the Harvard Community which might prove offensive in the future. In the last three years, especially, the number of Negro and African students in the College has risen dramatically; since the College has many groups travelling in the South-athletic teams, music groups, debate councils-the number of Negro students travelling in the South has also increased. We strongly urge the University administration to make its policy known on the questions raised by this unfortunate incident. We hope that the University will make clear to everyone-students. Faculty, and alumni-that it will not tolerate invidious and insulting distinctions among its members. Larry Palmer '66 Charles J. Beard '66 Robert Wright '66 Patriela Wynn '67 The Executive Committee Association of African and Afro-American Students at Harvard and Radcliffe
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