
King's 'Mission' Starts In Boston

The Rev. Martin Luther King will arrive in Boston this morning for a 30-hour double-shooting mission.

King will inspect schools and housing in Roxbury, address a joint session of the state legislature, and speak at a passive rally on the Boston Common. He will confer with Gov. John A. Volpe at the State House this morning and visit Mayor Collins tomorrow.

However, School Committee chairman Mrs. Louise Day Hicks yesterday requested for the second time a request made by the Rev. Virgil Wood, president of the Massachusetts chapter of the southern Christian Leadership Conference for a meeting with King and a elegation of local civil rights leaders. Mrs. Hicks had said earlier she would meet with King but not persons who were "not the true leaders of the people."

Massive March

The Boston Common rally will climax tomorrow morning's "March on Boston" by an expected 80,000 demonstrators. Wood said the purpose of the march, which is sponsored by 17 Boston and national groups, was "to dispell the illusion that a New Boston can be built without social justice."


"We march to protest the sufferings endured by the citizens of Boston," he said. The march is aimed at eliminating segregation in public housing, lack of enforcement of housing codes, "the exclusion of the poor from anti-poverty planning," and "educational genocide" resulting from de facto segregation.

Local officers of SCLC have said they hope to raise $100,000 for SCLC work in the South while King is in Boston.
