To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
I would like to protest your protest of the anti-protest protest. To the extent that the protest was a parody, you snub it as indifferent and pointless. To the extent that it was a sky lark, you are shocked at this rejection of political commitment and motivation. Yet it is obvious that you miss the point of the protest. It was meant as support for the Administration or even as a parody of "SDS types." It was rather to protest students taking themselves too seriously.
You reveal this lack of perspective when you start pleturing virtue in rags and vice "impeccably dressed." When you pass moral judgment on that famous old institution, drunken college students. When you are outraged that anyone might say "Bomb Hanoi," whether serious or not. When you condemn a protest for being, as one female SDS student said, "not according to procedure."
If there is a Harvard riot over the Sycamores, the CRIMSON smiles beneficently; but when there is a facetious fun and games, it is shocking and irresponsible. In that this anti-protest protest aroused such indignation from you and the SDS it was more successful in making its point than the March on Washington. William F. Funk '67
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