
Cliffies Churn 38 Miles; East Mermaids Win

Sixty-three Cliffle mermaids churned 38 miles last week in Radcliffe's pool while participating in the spring swimming marathon.

East House emerged victorious, drowning South and North Houses by piling up more laps than both of the other houses combined. Lee A. Mordy '68 led the East contingent with 325 laps (four miles), while 23 of her House members added 1364 laps for a House total of 19 miles.

Aided by loyal girls who evidently believe the philosophy that "every little bit helps," South House piled up contributions of from 4 to 176 laps to take second place with a total of 871 laps (0 miles) swum by its 19 representatives.

North House finished third, its 16 participants churning up 806 laps (9 miles).

In the Fall marathon, South House decated North House and East House, the Cliffle's perennial powerhouse, with a total of 1581 laps swum in eight days. East came back this semester with 108 more laps in three fewer days.


About 40 Cliffies, in good shape from last week's marathon workout, will vie tomorrow for medals, a silver bowl, and honor in the House Championship Meet at 3:30 p.m. in the Radcliffe pool. Timed by Harvard swimming team members, the contest "ought to be close," Alice G. McCabe, Director of Swimming, said yesterday.

East House easily won the meet last year, but the talent is more evenly distributed this year, she added.
