
Dunster Wrangles Over Vicki's Bills

Vicki Albright flew back to California yesterday, leaving behind her a welter of unpaid bills.

"Chivalry is very costly," said R. Carey Mcintoah '55, Allston Burr Senior Tutor in Dunster House, where Vicki spent most of Saturday. The supposed highlight of the evening, a gala party in the Dunster House Dining Hall, was fun but rather underattended, according to the guests who did arrive. Left for Vicki's sponsors to mull over was a debt estimated at around $100.

"We are attempting," said Mcintosh, "to enlist the support of the sponsors by cheerfully passing the hat." Gerard D. Sarant '67, one of these sponsors, said last night that a fund drive was being conducted at Wollesley to help meet the deficit.

In a much happier vein, the Associated Press reported that Miss Albright had "captured the affections of even the most akeptical Harvard men." Stephen W. Simpson. Chairman of the Dunster House Committee, said that despite the bills, "We wish she'd come back soon."
