
Cover Girl Will Read Bard Here

Law School students have no patent on Vicki Albright. Undergraduates will also have a chance to meet the U.C.L.A. junior and former Newsweek covergirl while she is in Cambridge April 16 and 17.

She plans to give a reading of Shakespeare with John A. Lithgow '67, in Dunster House on the afternoon of April 17. Before the reading, which will be introduced by William Alfred, professor of English, the originators of Operation Match will crown Miss Albright "Miss-Match" at a luncheon in Dunster. There, she will meet "Mr. Match," an undergraduate chosen by computer, who will be her escort for the evening.

Gerard Sarnat '67, who has added his invitation to that of the law students on the Ad Hoe Committee to Bring Vicki Albright to Harvard, said last night that Miss Albright's trip is still contingent on his raising the $200 needed for her plane fare.

Herbert J. Rogers 2L, co-chairman of the Ad Hoe Committee et cetera, commented, "Frankly, I'm getting rather sick of the whole thing."
