Thirteen Harvard and Radcliffe students will fill "junior executive training positions" abroad this summer in return for finding similar jobs here for foreign students.
The exchange is arranged by the Association of Business and Economics Students (AIESEC).
The jobs are located mainly in Europe and pay the "living wage" of each country, varying from $40 a week in Scandaunia to $16 in Spain. They include positions with the Merimekko Dress Co. in Helsinki and with a distributor of Rolls Royces and Jaguars in Capetown. South Africa. Other jobs are situated in Parts, Madrid, Vienna, Belgrade, and Lqublians, Yugoslavis.
The thirteen students in the Association who are working abroad have found nine jobs in Boston for foreign members. The jobs are for the most part offered by banks and insurance companies, but include two positions with the Boston Re-development Authority. The foreign students will earn $70-$80 a week.
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