
Allen Dulles Will Sojourn At B-School

First Recipient Of Fellowship

Allen W. Dulles, former director of the Central Intelligence Agency and a member of the Warren Commission, will become the Business School's first president fellow, inaugurating an annual, three-day student-organized program.

The purpose of the program, sponsored by the Interclub Council and the Student Association at the Business School, is to give graduate business students close personal contact with leading public figures during the academic year.

"It is intended to provide a means for students to gain a wider perspective of the world in which they will be functioning as future business executives," according to the report of the Residency Program Committee.

During his stay, Dulles will give a press conference and direct a number of seminars, which the Committee hopes will provide an opportunity for increasing the business student's involvement in public affairs. The major emphasis will be on the informal and candid exchange of ideas.

"We are acutely aware that the activities of the businessman are no longer bounded simply by business considerations, that rather as future business managers, we will be involved in the entire range of human affairs, from art to foreign policy," the Committee said in announcing the program.


Dulles will be the only resident fellow this year, but in the future, the program will be expanded to include one fellow each semester. Dulles will be at the Business School from March 31 to April 2, and will be accompanied by his wife. They will be the guests of George P. Baker, Dean of the Graduate School of Business Administration.

Fellows for next year have not been chosen yet, but will be selected by the end of the year.
