
Two Swordsmen Win in Nationals

Fencing captain Jon Kolb and his teammate Dave Dooley fought their way to an All-American title last Friday and Saturday at the NCAA tournament in Detroit. The fencers set a Harvard record with their two championships.

Of the 41 teams in the tournament, Harvard finished "around tenth." Columbia won the team title, with N.Y.U. second and Princeton, last year's winner, coming in third.

The two-day competition was a long one. Dooley, fencing on Saturday from 8:30 in the morning till 11 at night, won 25 out of 32 bouts to finish fourth in foil competition. Kolb was sixth in the sabre with a 23 9 record. But epee man Paul Mundie "had an off-day," according to coach Edo Marion. He won only four out of 19 bouts and was eliminated.

The fencing team finished its most successful season with a 12-4 record and a slice of the three-way tie for third in the Ivy League with Penn and Cornell. Kolb, Dooley, and Tom Musliner made the All Ivy team.
