
Anti-U.S. Forces Called 'Popular'

To the Editors of the CRIMSON

In the rush of putting out a newspaper article, the May 2nd Committee made certain mistakes. The first error in the article "U.S. Battling Peasant revolt in Vietnam" is that L. Michael Robinson, although he gave preliminary advice, was not responsible for the preparation of the article; Coleman is the sole author. In addition, there is evidence that the Hanoi regime is supplying some support to the Liberation Front. The point of the article is that it is insubstantial.

There was also a typographical error in the article which confused the meaning."...the latest intelligence data show that there was no northern infiltration into South Vietnam through 1946" should read "1964." That also might be misconstrued; the point was that cadre who returned from the North after 1954 were southerners who had withdrawn according to the Geneva accords and who returned when Diem's regime violated those accords. That again was to show that the U.S. is fighting against a popular and indigenous movement in the South... Albert L. Maher '63-2   May 2nd Committee
