
Crimson Swimmers to Face Tigers in Princeton Tank

The varsity swimming team takes on its toughest challenge of the season thus far at Princeton this afternoon in a battle which should decide third place in the Eastern Intercollegiate League final standings.

Although Princeton lost weekend to the same Navy team that the Crimson downed 62-33 in December, the Tigers will be sold favorites to repeat their last year's victory. Navy beat Princeton in the freestyle events where Harvard has little strength; for example, a fourth-place Princeton time in the 50 against Navy (22.8) could be good enough for first today.

Leading off the Princeton onslaught are freestylers Bruce Brookens and Bill Page, both of whom have done 22.5 seconds in the 50-yard sprints this year. In the longer freestyle races, Kris Brown has done the 200 under 1:50.0 and the 500 under 5:05.0, both of which should be good enough to win. Brown has also done a 2:04.4 clocking in the individual medley.

The best race of the afternoon could be in the 200-yard breaststroke where Tiger Jim Edmondson will meet Bob Corris and Bruce Fowler. John Kalmbach, a formidable butterflyer, won last year's meet for Princeton in the freestyle relay. He won't beat Neville Hayes in the butterfly, today, but might push him to a record clocking.

Likewise, Danny Mahoney should take the dive without any trouble. Fast-improving sophomore Bob McDermott could grab second for the Crimson.


Princeton's best freshman swimming squad in memory has piled up a record of nine wins and no losses this year, but Coach Benn Merritt's Crimson freshman will give them their hardest test. Bill Shrout should find competition enough for at least one record, though the team will be hurt by the loss of sprinter Phil Chase with an injured foot.
