
Poll Reveals Perplexed Undergrads Tend to Want Vietnam Withdrawal

In a random telephone poll yesterday of 30 Harvard and Radcliffe students, over forty per cent decided that they have had enough in Vietnam and the United States should pull out completely.

"The Vienamese people don't want our help," one Cliffie said, "and we have neither a legal nor a moral right to interfere in their civil war."

A Harvard government major maintained that the United States must remain "because we have committed ourselves to defend these people, and we are being watched by the rest of the world."

"I don't know much about Vietnam," said a Radcliffe sophomore. "I thought I did until they started to pass out some of those pamphlets which said that everything I thought was wrong. Isn't the Vietcong Communist?"

Of those favoring withdrawal, many readily admitted that a pullout would mean a Communist take-over, but could not offer any further steps which should be taken by this country.


"I'd do it by negotiation or through the United Nations," said a Harvard bio-chemistry major, and another student "hoped that we could obtain "the cooperation of Communist countries like China and Russia" to maintain the neutrality of Vietnam.

Responses to the basic question, "Should the U.S. remain in Vietnam?" were fairly evenly divided with those favoring continued U.S. presence coming in close behind the opponents.

Advocates of staying in Vietnam, however, admitted they had reservations. "Ideally, we shouldn't be involved, but pragmatically there doesn't seem to be any way out."

One fifth of the students polled responded with phrases like "I just don't know; I'm not sure what we should do."
