
Another Good Winter Sports Season--Runners Top Records, Sextet Excels


Five major freshman teams have compiled a composite 31-3 record so far this winter. They have shattered records and have attracted the attention of many a varsity coach.

As the seasons of basketball, hockey, squash, swimming, and track draw to a close, the list of brilliant freshmen accomplishments grows ever larger.

Ranking high among these are the achievements of Harvard trackmen. The team started strong and has continued to improve. Their record is now 7-0, and they have shattered several running records.

Jeff Huvelle, who set a new University record of 1:11.9 for the 600 in the Dartmouth meet, paces "the strongest running squad I've ever had," according to Coach Edgar Stowell. Huvelle is backed up by Jim Baker, who has broken freshman records in the 1000, the mile, and the two-mile.

There is depth, too. Joe Ryan, explained Assistant Coach Ed Meehan, keeps "coming close to the freshman record in the two-mile event, but then Baker keeps lowering it."


Coach Meehan hopes that as many as 15 members will earn starting varsity spots next year. "We not only have outstanding individuals, but the whole team is solid," he said.

The freshman runners, as might be expected, also smashed relay records. The mile combination of Huvelle, Dave McKelvey, Frank Haggerty, and Bob Cook set a new freshman record of 3:22.8, and the two-mile team of McKelvey, Bob Stempson, Bill Burns, and Dick Langenbach barely missed the University record with a new freshman mark of 7:49.2.

The coaches were also strongly impressed with the development of the field events. The pole vault, the shot, and the weight events have improved surprisingly according to Meehan.

The squash team, sporting a 6-0 record, was "not really pressed," in Coach Corey Wynn's words, in shutout victories over M.I.T., Dartmouth, and Exeter.

Rick Sterne and Jose Gonsalez, the number one and two men respectively, are leading prospects for the varsity's top five. There will be room for them; varsity Coach Jack Barnaby is losing four of his top five men.

After losing its first meet at Springfield, the swimming team went on to win four, as Bill Shrout shattered freshman, University, and NCAA freshman records with little mercy.

His latest efforts include a University and NCAA freshman record of 1:47.5 for the 200 freestyle in the Dartmouth meet. Later in the same meet Shrout turned out a 0:54.9 pace to better the University record in the 100 butterfly.

Shrout also swam the fastest Harvard split ever in leading teammates Dan Magraw, Steve Coy and Phil Chase to a new freshman record in the 400 freestyle relay.

The hockey team now sports a 9-2 record, defeating Merrimack 5-3 last night. Harvard started slow, but a four goal outburst during the second period put it back into control.

"With added experience some of our boys will certainly fit into the varsity," said Coach Nathaniel L. Harris Jr. '52, praising the "best freshman team of the last four years."

The basketball team evened its record at 5-5 in last night's win over Northeastern. Earlier the team lost two heartbreakers, to B.U. and Dartmouth. After a defeat by Brown, the team bounced back in a come-from-behind victory to surprise the tall Dartmouth team in their second meeting.

Guard Bob Beller continues to surge ahead in the scoring columne. His 37 points against Trinity set a new freshman record, and his 20 point average makes him a strong varsity prospect.
