
Unbeaten Track Team Overpowers Holy Cross

A spirited varsity track team flirted with several University and Briggs Cage records last night on its way to a 75-4 victory over a game but undermanned Holy Cross.

High jumper Chris Pardee, sophomore sprinter Wayne Anderson, and a mile-relay foursome of John Dockery, John Parker, mike Hauck, and Tony Lynch all threatened the record books and al finished a close second.

After clearing 6ft., 8 in., in the high jump on his third and final attempt, Pardee tried for a new Harvard mark of 6 ft., 10 1/4 in. but clipped the bar all three times with his trailing foot.

Anderson got off to a fast start and held off Aggrey A worl by a foot in the 40-yard dash, hitting the tape in 0:04:.6, only 0:00.1 off the Cage record. The mile-relay quartet, led by Lynch's 0:50.7 anchor leg, finished in 3:26.9, 0:00.7 off the Cage mark.

As expected, middle-distance runner Bob Credie and jack-of-all-trades Kevin O'Brien provided most of Holy Cross's opposition for the Crimson. Credie held off Keith Chiappa in the 600, the evening's best race, to win by two yards in 1:14.2.


O'Brien took second places in the high jump and in the broad jump, won by Awori with a 22 ft., 7 in, leap, and surprised Awori in 40-yard hurdles, coming from behind to win in a fast 0:05.2.

Crimson captain Art Croasdale won the weight throw with a strong 59 ft., 7 1/4 in. effort and also took the shot with a not-so-strong 51 ft., 11 1/2 in. toss. Ken Winters cleared 13 ft, to win the pole vault and just brushed off the bar in two attempts at 13 ft., 4 in.

The other Harvard victories came from Jim Smith, winner of the mile run in 4:24:4, and from the two-mile relay team of Smith, Neil Houston, Chuck Redman and John Ogden, clocked in 8:10.

The freshman team also racked up its sixth straight win without a loss overpowering the Crusader yearlings 86-23.
