
Sophomore, Two Girls Killed in Auto Accident

Junior Injured In Fatal Crash

A Harvard sophomore and two Bryn Mawr girls were killed in a one-car accident on Memorial Drive yesterday morning.

The victims were William L. Mills '67, of Dunster House and Glen Ridge, New Jersey; Judith A. Palmer, of Philadelphia; and Katherine J. Kurnick, of Garden Grove, Calif., the sister of James T. Kurnick '68.

A fourth passenger, Malcolm D. Russell '66, of Dunster House, was injured, but is reported in fair condition at Massachusetts General Hospital. Russell, who suffered head bruises and a compressed fracture of the second vertebra, will be transfered to Stillman infirmary at the end of the week.

The two couples had been to a party in Dunster House, where there was some drinking, and then waited in Mills' ear until another group met them at 2:15 a.m. They then drove to Boston looking for a party, but did not meet with success.

Police stated that drinking was not a factor in the accident.


Western Ave.

On the way back to Cambridge, Mills was following another car of Harvard students along Memorial Drive. When the lead car and two others in the right lane stopped for a yellow light at Western Avenue, Mills switched to the left lane and continued into the intersection as the light changed to red.

He saw that a car had already started out from Western Avenue, and swerved towards the river in order to avoid it. After hitting ice on the curb, he cut back and jammed on the brakes. The ear, a GTO Pontiac, skidded 200 feet and smashed into a tree on the right side of the road.

Death Immediate

Mills died instantaneously, and the two girls were pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital.

The girls, who had been visiting here since Wednesday, had not met Mills and Russell before Saturday. They were planning to return to Bryn Mawr yesterday.

At Glen Ridge High School, Mills was president of the student council, co-captain of the football team, and an honor student.

A shoulder injury prevented Mills from playing football at Harvard, but he threw the javelin and discus for the freshman track team last spring.

Funeral services will be held Wednesday in Glen Ridge.
