
Radcliffe's Dated But Hated by '69

The Harvard Class of '69, like every freshman class, has been rebuffed by Cliffies at mixers and snubbed at sections, but this year's Yardlings have annotated their anguish.

In the current Yardling, the editors summarize the results of a questionnaire about Radcliffe girls which was circulated among Harvard freshmen this fall. The results substantiate what Cliffies have always suspected: Harvard likes Radcliffe far more than the boys like to admit.

Unanimous Enjoyment

Two-thirds of the freshmen who responded said they had dated Cliffies and agreed almost unanimously that they had enjoyed it. But the guys don't know why and, in fact, try to find all sorts of reasons for disliking Cliffies: only 35.6 per cent thought Cliffies have "good personalities," and a miniscule 14.7 per cent considered them "good-looking as compared to girls from other schools."

Perennial Complaints


There were the perennial complaints about Cliffies being "conceited" and "affected" and "too agressively intellectual." One boy asked, "Is it really true that a girl has to be ugly to get into Radcliffe?" And another insisted, "I've seen better-looking North Dakota Indian squaws."

But most of the freshmen realize there just aren't enough Cliffies. And some are resigned to the inevitable: after the requisite sparring and sneering, Radcliffe and Harvard marry.
