
Jubilee Elections

The freshmen class voted yesterday for eleven representatives to the Jubilee committee. 775 of 1200 freshmen cast their ballot.

The students elected were: Jack W. Davis Jr. of Massachusetts Hall and Elm Grove, Wis.; Peter D. Goldberg of Grays Hall and Shorewood, Wis,; David Gordon of Lionel Hall and Culver City, Calif.: Thomas D. Kennedy of Wigglesworth Hall and Lexington; Frank L. McNamara Jr. of Matthews Hall and Concord: Donald W. Meaders of Pennypacker Hall and West Allis, Wis.: Joseph W. Mullin of Holworthy Hall and Maynard; Andrew J. Rudnick of Weld Hall and New York; Sumner A. Slavin of Thayer and Chestnut Hill; Jerome T. Walker of Holworthy and McKeasport, Penn.: Paul J. Zofnass of Hurlbut and Belmont.
