
UHS Offers Aid To Drug Victims

"Harvard has shared in the national increase in the drug problem." Dr. Dana L. Farnsworth, Director of the University Health Services, revealed yesterday.

He said he is "quite distressed" by the intensified use of the drugs across the nation and by "the careless attitude" many people have adopted regarding the seriousness of the issue.

Dr. Farnsworth appealed to everyone to "look to the University Health Services for help whenever you are in trouble with drugs." He urged students to treat involvement with drugs as a medical problem "before it becomes a disciplinary offense."

Confidential Relationship

The UHS does not transmit medical information to Harvard's disciplinary authorities. Dr. Farnsworth reiterated. He insisted that the confidential nature of the doctor-patient relationship is maintained in this area.


Dr. Farnsworth stressed that innocent experimentation can easily get out of control. He once again cautioned against the use of all drugs, including marijuana, which he said "impairs judgment and leads to self-defeating behavior."
