
Quins Win, Hand Title To Bunnies

Winthrop handed the House football title to Leverett yesterday by losing to Quincy 12-6. The Puritans had deadlocked the Bunnies for the league lead by tieing them 6-6 on Monday.

Levorett had no trouble overrunning Dunster 34-0 on what was he last day day of he season. Leverett thereby retained possession of the House football trophy it won last year and will play the winner of the Yale intramural league next Friday in New Haven.

The first half of the Quincy-Winthrop game, the Quins' defense fought doggedly to contain Winthrop's well-oiled offense. Both teams managed to threaten several times, but neither could score.

The second half, however, was all Quincy's. Pushing within scoring distance repeatedly, it finally scored late in the third period. On that play halfback Chris Wickens did not seem to notice the three Winthrop tacklers hanging on his back as he dragged them for ten yards into the end zone.

Quincy scored again on a quarterback sneak by Larry Melfa in the fourth quarter. Winthrop, plagued throughout the game with penalties, finally showed its offensive spark in the final minutes as quarterback Mitch Sikora opened up a passing attack. With only seconds remaining, Sikora hit fullback Larry Hunter with a seven-yard touchdown strike.


Leverett finished its season in championship style. It had virtually no trouble scoring against out-powered Dunster. The Bunnies marched the opening kickoff 65 yards to paydirt and went on to win easily. Right halfback Jim Thompson scored twice for Leverett and left halfback Jim Powell once. Quarterback Steve Ekdahl ran one touchdown himself and throw another to right end Keith Johnson.
