
Harvard Fund Gets $2,400,725 In Alumni Gifts

The Harvard College Fund has collected a record $2,400,752 for the fiscal year 1964-65, more than doubling the amount it received four years ago.

With 39% of Harvard's alumni contributing, the Fund surpassed the total for last year by $53,000. Only Yale alumni, with $3,050,545 in contributions, topped Harvard.

While the number of individual donors has increased only 13% since 1960-61, the total contributed has increased 128%. The Fund's executive director, John A. Dromey, Boston College '38, attributed the increase to the greater number of alumni volunteers--2000 in 1964-65 compared to 300 in 1960-61 -- participating in solicitation campaigns.

The College Needs Money

"Though more personal contact with class agents," Dromey said, "alumni are realizing that despite Harvard's billion dollar endowment, money is needed for Harvard College."


The Fund is aiming for $2,800,000 this year and hopes that at least 50% of the College's 50,000 alumni will contribute. As of Nov. 8, 777 donors had given $243,000, compared with $170,000 from 611 givers at this time last year.

In a three-year campaign, the Class of '40 has raised $620,000 for its 25th reunion gift. The Class of '40 has given over one million dollars since graduation. Six of the nine major reunion classes, including the Class of '40, donated the largest gifts ever for their respective reunion years.
