
HPC Reviews Granting 'Cliffe Voting Power

Radcliffe may soon gain an official voice on the Harvard Policy Committee. Both the HPC and the Harvard Undergraduate Council are considering a constitutional amendment to replace the two non-voting Cliffies now on the HPC with three voting members.

The HPC has only informally discussed the plan and will not officially consider it until late December, after the college-wide ratification of the present HUC constitution. An amendment approved by two-thirds of the HUC would have to voted on later by Harvard undergraduates.

Daniel C. Goldfarb Jr. '66, president of the HUC, said that the council's immediate concern was the vote on the constitution, which is now scheduled for December 8 or 9. Goldfarb emphasized the need to "get the constitution through" and not complicate the ballot with amendments.

Michael E. Abram 66. head of the HPC, confirmed that it the present HCC constitution is approved, the Radcliffe voting-rights amendment could come to a vote of the college by January.

The Radcliffe representation would consist of one girl from each House, chosen by the deans and Masters.


In the meantime, the Radcliffe Government Association has established its own Educational Policy Committee to coordinate efforts of Radcliffe and the HPC.
