
Hirschman Sees End of 'Alliance'

Intervention by the United States in the Dominican Republic has been interpreted throughout Latin America as "summoning the death knell for the Alliance for Progress", Albert O. Hirschman, newly appointed professor of Political Economy, said last night.

The United States' action there, he said, has been understood in government circles as meaning that "no more experimentation with social reform is necessary, and all agitation can be denounced as communist maneuvers."

But social reform, Hirschman noted is an essential goal of the Alliance. "If you change one element in the Alliance's equation, it falls to pieces".

Speaking at the Latin American Association, Hirschman cited the United States' action in the Dominican Republic as an example of how President Johnson's style of "consensus politics" is damaging U.S. relations with Latin America.

By giving rightists in the United States a greater influence in the formation of foreign policy, Hirschman said, Johnson has "done damage in Latin America which cannot be repaired."
