
Doctors Laud Safety, Beauty of Mem Drive

The crusade to save Memorial Drive got some new allies Friday when George P. Berry, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine; heart specialist Paul Dudley White '08; and the deans of two other Massachausetts medical schools signed up.

The doctors attacked the "hazards to life and health" posed by speedways in a statement promulgated by co-chairman Edward L. Bernays and John R. Moot '43 of the Citizens Emergency Committee to Save Memorial Drive.

The statement emphasized the beauty of the Cambridge road which the Massachusetts State Legislature threatens to turn into an "intolerable speedway." The doctors urged the construction of pedestrian pathways along the Charles River.

"Convenience should not be our only aim in life," the statement read. "Memorial Drive is an oasis in a desert of throughways."

The statement was one of a series of pleas by different professional groups in the continuing battle. Bernays and Moot plan more such statements in the near future.
