
Union Secretary Bounces Phony Sampler Salesman

An elusive slick-haired, fast talking salesman a table-to-table tour of the Union yesterday peddling HSA Samplers without the knowledge of Dean Watson, the Secretary of the Union, or the HSA.

He was spotted by one of the Union porters, who brought him to William L. Zentgraf '62, Secretary of the Union.

Zentgraf informed the salesman that soliciting from table-to-table is never permitted and that he needed permission from Dean Watson to be selling anything at the Union, even in the foyer.

The mysterious salesman was ushered out of the Union toward the Dean's office. Somehow he got away and reached Adams House where he again gave his pitch. He never saw the Dean.

Dustin M. Burke '52, General Manager of HSA, said, "It seems pretty clear that our organization has had nothing to do with this."


Burke suggested that the salesman night have gotten hold of the booklets, which contain discount coupons redeemable at many Cambridge-area establishments, through one of the companies that supply the Samplers to the HSA. He could not name the companies.

Pudgy New Yorker

The salesman was described by one observer as "slightly pudgy, a fast talker with a New York accent, about 5 ft. 10 In. tall, with carefully-combed black hair." He was reported to have been carrying "a big wad" of cash and checks.

The salesman, who calls himself a first-year Business School student, was first seen in the Harkness Commons Dining Hall at 11 p.m. one week ago and later in the Freshman Union last Monday at noon.

Anthony C. Erdmann '68 first became suspicious of the salesman when he was approached in the Union Monday. Erdmann called the HSA, the University police, the Business School, Dean Ford's office, and Burke. His inquiries met a "blank wall of ignorance."

After a little prodding. Burke was induced to leave the Student Employment Office to inquire at the offices of the HSA. Since then Burke has notified Dean Watson. Dean Trottenberg, and the University police.

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