
Freshman Unit Rebuffs HCUA

After a wild series of parliamentary maneuvers last night, the HCUA was stymied in an attempt to gain approval of the Freshman Council for the revised version of their proposed constitution.

Forty-five minutes of unrestricted debate heard Mike Abramson '45, Vice Chairman of the HCUA urge the Freshman Council to endorse the proposal, since complaints of too little freshman representation in the bi-cameral government had been satisfied.

But several members of the ad hoc committee opposing the new constitution urged the Yardlings to reject the new constitution an unrepresentative and ineffective.

Then the fun began:

* A motion was made, seconded, and passed by a slim majority-to limit debate to ten more minutes.


* After nine minutes a motion was made, seconded, and defeated by a slim majority to extend debate an additional ten minutes.

* It was moved that the original motion, endorsing the new constitution, be changed to read that the Freshman Council would voice no opinion on the matter. This motion was ruled out of border.

* A motion to ajourn was made, seconded, and defeated by a slim margin.

* A point of order was raised, with several members of the Council claiming that a quorum was not present.

* While the Council secretary read the roll, several opponents of the new constitution left the room, and the council was left without a quorum.

Observers speculated that, had the issue come to a vote, the HCUA proposal would have received an endorsement by a slim margin

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