
Columbia Obtains Slightly Smaller Grant from Ford

Columbia University, like Harvard, has received a multi-million dollar Ford Foundation grant for programs in international studies.

The $10.9-million Columbia grant was announced today together with a similar $12.5-million award to Harvard.

The major recipient of the money will be Columbia's School of International Affairs, where the grant will help finance programs in international relations, education, law, and journalism. The money will also be used to build up institutes for the study of Western Europe and Latin America.

New Building

Two and a half million dollars has been slated for the erection of a new building for the School of International Affairs, which is presently scattered in several buildings around the campus. Architects are presently developing plans for the center, and demolition of the buildings now on the site will begin in the fall.


According to Grayson Kirk, President of Columbia, "the structure will house the most significant and comprehensive program of graduate teaching and research yet devised for the study of world affairs."

The Ford grant requires that Columbia match the $2.5 million with its own funds, and the university has already raised another $3.5 million towards the total expected cost of $11 million for the building.

Another $2.5 million is slated to endow five chairs at the School of International Affairs. The remaining $5.9 million will be used for research programs in international affairs.
