
Guarneri Quartet Will Play Here Monday

On Monday, August 3, the Summer School will present The Garner String Quartet in a concert at Sanders Theatre at 8:30 p.m. John Ferris, University Organist and Choirmaster, will give recitals on the Flentrop Organ of the Busch-Reisinger Museum on Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. All performances are open to the public without charge.

Monday's program will consist of Quartet in G Major, Opus 76, No. 1 by Haydn, Quartet in A Minor, Opus 13 by Mendelsson, and Quartet Opus 22, No. 3 by Hindemith.

Mr. Ferris's recital will feature Suite du Premier Ton by Louis-Nicholas Clerambault, Sonata 1 by Paul Hindemith, Prelude and Fugue in A Minor by J.S. Bach, Sonata 111, Opus 65 by Mendelssohn, and Concertante for Organ Celests, and Percussion (1963), by Daniel Pinkham. The final number will be conducted by the composer.

The Guarneri String Quartet appeared for the first time at the Casals Festival in Puerto Rico and will make their first American tour this fall. Tickets for both concerts may be obtained in advance at Matthews Hall 4.
