A 1401 IBM computer has been installed in the basement of Baker Library at the Business School. It will be used for administrative work, for instruction in operations research techniques that utilize computers, and in research by Business School Faculty members and doctoral students.
The Business School had been using the 1401s at the University Computation Center, but the volume of work at the Business School is now sufficient to keep a machine busy all the time.
Courses at the Business School are taught entirely by the case study method, so no course in programming or computer techniques will be offered. Students will be encouraged to use the 1401 in solving problems in the various courses, however.
The Business School will probably use the Computation Center more, rather than less, now that it has its own machine, according to Lewis B. Ward, professor of Business Research, and acting chairman of the Committee on the Computation Center.
He explained that the 1401 is limited, and that as more M.B.A. candidates become acquainted with computers they will also want to use the 7094 at the Center.
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