
2 Harvard Men Jailed in South

Two more Harvard undergraduates tangled with Mississippi justice over the weekend. Peter Orris '67 was one of 98 people including both civil rights workers and local Negroes arrested Friday in Greenwood, Miss. He and the others remained in jail over the weekend and were in jail and fined $100 each by the city court.

The COFO attorneys' petition to remand the case to federal court had already been granted, however. Thus, a COFO spokesman indicated that the civil rights organization felt the city trial would be ruled void and that the 98 would be freed this morning.

In Ashland, Mississippi, a small town 17 miles from Holly Springs, Peter Cummings '65 was arrested for not having an inspection sticker on his car yesterday morning, held on $250 bond, and tried at 4 p.m. Following several telephone calls from COFO headquarters to the Ashland police, Cummings was released after paying a small fine.
