

The Mail

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

Hegel once remarked that the frequent misquotations of the bourgeois press marked a bar to the realization of Reason in the phenomenal world. Sirs, quotation in part engenders as great a mischief as false attribution. What did I mean by stating that there will be a "reckoning"? Certainly not what is implied by Mr. Kann.

The individual who has not staked his life as a boxer may, no doubt, be recognized as a person but he has not attained recognition as a being in and-for-himself; he remains merely an outerness for other consciousnesses. The function of the Straus Trophy is to enable self-consciousness to effect cognizance as self by other selves. The Straus Trophy is the ethical whole, the actualization of athletic freedom as a necessary Idea in-and-for-itself. It is, then, the necessary course of the Idea through the Becoming of athletics that constitutes the "will-be" of a "reckoning." The Idea considered as Will wills in-and-of-itself that there will be a "reckoning." It is, thus, with the Weitgeist that the thief will have to reckon, not with me. David Ames, Jr. '64


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