
Students Plan Viet Protest for Square

At least one hundred people will demonstrate in the Square this Saturday to protest American policy in South Vietnam.

The demonstration is being planned by Tocsin, the Harvard-Radcliffe Socialist Club, and the local chapter of the Young Socialist Alliance to coincide with protests in five other American cities and London.

A statement to be distributed during the picketing from 1 to 3 p.m. will ask "that all U.S. troops be withdrawn from Vietnam and the people of South Vietnam left to decide for themselves their form of government."

Organizers of the protest expect to draw support from Tufts, M.I.T., Simmons, and Boston University as well as Harvard, Radcliffe and local citizens.

The organizer of the national demonstrations, Russel Stetler, a sophomore at Haverford College, spoke last night to a group of more than 150 people in Lowell Lecture Hall and narrated a film--made by the National Liberation Front (Viet Cong)--describing the Vietnamese was.


The 40-minute film, which has been shown at eleven other universities including Yale and Columbia, claims that 75 per cent of South Vietnam, representing half the country's population, is controlled by the Viet Cong.

"The guerillas and the people are one," it says as it attacks the United States for "experimenting" with new military techniques in the Vietnamese struggle.

Stetler emphasized that the Viet Cong is not an exclusively communist organization but rather a true coalition of opposition parties. Jean C. Tepperman '66, speaking for Toscin and the Socialist Club, which sponsored the film, said, however, that Stetler's views are not completely shared by the clubs.

He was invited, she added, to present a different view from that normally given by the American press.

The national demonstrations planned by Stetler's ad hoc May 2 Committee will occur in New York, Miami, San Francisco, Minneapolis, and Madison, Wis.
