
Phi Beta Kappas Choose Junior 8

The Harvard Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa elected the "Junior 8" last night. They are: Lawrence G. Brown of Lowell House and University City, Mo., mathematics; Howard E. Gardner of Winthrop House and Scranton, Pa., social relations; Jonathan P. Goldman of Adams House and Trenton, N.J., English; Paul Horowitz of Lowell House and Summit, N.J., physics.

Also, Peter Lubin of Adams House and Lexington, history; Thomas W. Schoener of Dunster House and Lancaster, Pa., biology; Philip D. Straffin of Adams House and Scarsdale, N.Y., mathematics; Stephen D. White of Adams House and Cambridge, history.

The new members were chosen by the undergraduate members of the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa society. The selections are made on the basis of outstanding academic achievement, character, and extra-curricular activities.
