
Lacrossemen Travel To Face Weak Penn

The Penn lacrosse team is well on its way to another last place finish in the Ivy League, and Harvard is making noises like a championship contender. But the Crimson is not a sure winner this afternoon when it meets the Quakers in Philadelphia.

Penn has already lost to Brown and Yale, but it has an explosive attack combination that could trouble the Crimson. Crease man Dave Buck, who measures 6 ft., 4 in. and weighs 210, has scored four times on feeds from Don Spurdle.

And the Crimson has been scrambling lately. They play well for a period, and then lapse into sloppiness. A Harvard football team managed to put together four bad periods in Philadelphia last fall and suffered a most ignominious defeat.

Barring a similar disaster, however, the Crimson should win its seventh in a row today and second in Ivy play. If the attack can regain the form it showed against Cornell last Saturday, Harvard could run up a sizeable score.
