
Young Democrats Set Annual Trip to Capital

Forty-Five Young Democrats will make their annual pilgrimage to Washington next week to get the lowdown on what's going on in government circles.

"We hope to get the government officials and Congressmen to loosen up and talk casually with us," Louis D. Beer '66, one of the conference co-ordinators, said last night.

Over 30 officials--all Democrats, of course--have tentatively agreed to chat with the students. Beer said, however, that he expected busy committee schedules and previous appointments to make about half of them unavailable.

Bayh, McGovern to Speak

Senators Birch Bayh (D-Ind.) and George McGovern (D.S.D.), Supreme Court Justice Hugo Black, Secretary of Labor Willard Wirtz, Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, Assistant Secre- tary of State Averill W. Harriman, Archibald Cox '34, Solicitor General, and David Bell, Director of the Agency for International Development, will definitely address the group.


Among the senators who have tentativey agreed to meet with the Young Dems are Wayne Morse (D-Ore.), Philip Hart (D Mich.), Lister Hill (D-Ala.), Clinton Anderson (D-N.M.), Frank Church (d-Idaho), and Harry Byrd (D-Va.), Paul Doulas (D-Ill.), Edward M. Kennedy '54 (D-Mass.), and John McClellan (D Ark.). Three Administration officials--Sargent Shriver, director of the Peace Corps; McGeorge Bundy, special assistant to the President for national security affairs; and Robert F. Kennedy '48, attorney general--may also see the students.

The young Dems will leave Cambridge Sunday afternoon, and stay in Washington until Thursday, staying in the homes of club members in the area
